Allergy Action – The Integrative and Environmental Medicine Way
September 21, 2023
Allergy Action – The Integrative and Environmental Medicine Way Professor Avni Sali AM MBBS, PhD, FRACS, FACS, FACNEM For many people, the first signs of spring are accompanied by the return of the familiar symptoms of allergies. Surveys indicate that...Prepare Yourself: It’s Hay Fever Season – But Think Beyond Antihistamines
September 20, 2023
When I say ‘prepare yourself’, I don’t just mean stock up on antihistamines. If antihistamines are your usual remedy for hay fever, then this article is a must-read for you. Allergies involve a very complex process that goes beyond itchy…
Realities of Weight Gain
August 18, 2023
By Kathleen Robb, Naturopath Depending on which generation you are part of, weight management may be a loaded topic, with the diet industry and social media giving unrealistic and harmful messages around what body types are deemed preferable and continual…
Sleep Therapy – the overnight remedy
July 20, 2023
Professor Avni Sali AM MBBS PhD FRACS FACS FACNEM Most people can relate to the feelings of impaired daytime function and fatigue, lack of concentration and memory problems associated with a poor night’s sleep. But did you know that poor or…
June 22, 2023
Professor Avni Sali AM MBBS, PhD, FRACS, FACS, FACNEM May 2023 One of the most fundamental wellness strategies we can consider is the development and maintenance of a strong immune system. It is paramount to have a normal immune system…
Cardiometabolic Health
May 25, 2023
Cardiometabolic Health Cardiometabolic health is a term that refers to the impacts on heart health of a group of conditions sometimes referred to as “Metabolic Syndrome”. These can include abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, high cholesterol and raised blood pressure. The…
5 Top Tips for a Healthier Gut
April 20, 2023
by Naturopath, Bronwyn Gooden Prebiotics Prebiotics are foods high in fibre and resistant starch that feed the healthy bacteria in your gut. A healthy gut requires a diverse range of foods daily. raw garlic fennel dandelion greens asparagus...A HEALTHY NEW YEAR
February 9, 2023
Professor Avni Sali AM MBBS, PhD, FRACS, FACS, FACNEM The New Year brings renewed possibility for a fresh start and inspires a range of resolutions. No matter what your age, adopting a healthier lifestyle can improve your health and life,…
Prof Avni Sali – Connecting in Europe with Integrative Medicine Practitioners – 2022.
July 19, 2022
Recently I was fortunate to have the opportunity to travel overseas, after a long hiatus. Prior to travelling, I had organised to meet relevant people in Europe. On my first stop in Albania, I met up with a friend and…
NIIM Clinic receives AGPAL Accreditation
May 27, 2022
NIIM increased its community health credentials today when NIIM Clinic received a national award of accreditation, demonstrating its commitment to quality and safety within its practice. NIIM Clinic received this important recognition from Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL), the…