

National Institute of Integrative Medicine

21 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Postal Address: PO Box 6070, Hawthorn West, VIC 3122
Tel: 03 9804 0646
Fax: 03 9815 3267 Email: info@niim.com.au


NIIM Clinic

NIIM Clinic Tel: 03 9804 0646

IV Clinic Tel: 03 9912 9507   (IV Appointments Only)

Fax: 03 9815 3267 Email: clinic@niim.com.au

Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm

Online Appointment Booking



Patients with a Telehealth booking can join below:



NIIM Dispensary

NIIM Dispensary Tel: 03 9804 0646

Email: dispensary@niim.com.au

Opening Hours:

Monday – Wednesday 8:30am -5:30pm

Thursday 8:30am – 6:00pm

Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm



NIIM Clinic – Cancellation Policy
A minimum of 48 hours’ notice is required to cancel/postpone an appointment, otherwise a cancellation fee will be incurred. This will not be covered by your medical insurance.

Medical Secure Delivery Services: NIIM Practitioners are able to receive letters and reports via Argus and Healthlink.


After Hours and Medical Emergencies
If you believe you have a medical emergency, please phone 000 or present to the nearest hospital with an emergency department.
If you have an urgent medical issue after hours, the NIIM Clinic uses DoctorDoctor to provide after-hours medical care on our behalf.
Please call them on 13 26 60 or visit the DoctorDoctor website

TIS Free Interpreting Service
Patients can access free interpreting services through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)
Tel: 1300 575 847  Email: TIS.FreeInterpreting@homeaffairs.gov.au  www.tisnational.gov.au



For all other enquiries

Research research@niim.com.au Tel: 03 9804 0646 and press 5 at the prompts
Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) – Research Enquiries hrec@niim.com.au
Tel: 03 9912 9586
TGA Authorized Prescriber Scheme (APS) aps@niim.com.au Tel: 03 9912 9586
Dispensary dispensary@niim.com.au  Tel: 03 99129510
Events events@niim.com.au
Media media@niim.com.au
All other enquiries info@niim.com.au