
Vascular Check

The Vascular Check is a screening tool that can measure your arterial stiffness, which is a risk factor for a range of cardiovascular conditions. Flexible arteries are essential for optimal cardiovascular health – when arteries are more elastic, blood can flow freely and supply more oxygen to cells and tissues. NIIM’s Vascular Check can provide insights into the health of your arteries.

Introducing lifestyle changes and certain supplements could have a beneficial impact on overall health and well-being. The first step is to get tested to measure your baseline.

  • Quick & Painless
  • Immediate Results
  • Personalised Health Insights


What is Arterial Stiffness?

Arterial stiffness refers to an abnormal stiffening in the walls of arteries,  a consequence of biological aging, and can lead to arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis is a generalised thickening and stiffening of the arterial wall, is related to inflammation and can lead to high blood pressure, or hypertension.

When arteries are stiff, the blood travels faster and the heart has to work harder to send oxygen into cells and tissues in the body. Very stiff arteries are a risk factor for heart attack and stroke. Flexible arteries are linked to improved cardiovascular health, aerobic fitness and muscle recovery after exercise.


How Does it Work?

NIIM’s Vascular Check tests Pulse Wave Velocity to establish your arterial stiffness. Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) is the speed of the blood travelling through your arteries measured by distance over time (m/s). A higher number means your blood is travelling faster, which means your arteries are stiffer. A lower number means your blood is travelling slower, which means your arteries are more flexible, which is the preference.

PWV or arterial stiffness naturally increases with age.

This vascular check will compare your PWV/arterial stiffness against the population average within your age group.


How to Prepare for Your Vascular Check:

  • Please wear loose fitting clothing on the day.
  • Please ensure you have not had any caffeine within 2hrs of your scheduled appointment.


After Your Test

We recommend that you attend a follow up appointment with a NIIM clinician to discuss your results.

Lifestyle changes including increased exercise, reduction of harmful substances (alcohol, smoking), reducing sugar, minimising stress, introduction of supplements and diet adjustments may assist in lowering your arterial stiffness. Your GP will guide you on which changes best suit your circumstances.


Book Today

$60 per person

To book your test, email research@niim.com.au



Vascular Health Check device sitting on a wooden table. It is connected to a laptop, which has a hand of a woman sitting out of frame on it.