


Seasonal Allergies

August 21, 2024

by Bronwyn Gooden and Ellen Winnett As we head into Spring, many of us will be anticipating the return of hay fever and allergies.  Allergies emerge when your immune system responds to substances, e.g. pollens or certain foods, by treating…


The Importance of Cardiovascular Function Testing in the Prevention of Sexual Health Conditions, Including Erectile Dysfunction

August 19, 2024

By Dr Sanil Nair The interrelationship between cardiovascular health and sexual function is well-established, with one of the most significant connections being the relationship between heart function and erectile dysfunction (ED). ED, defined as the persistent inability to achieve or…


Sleep in Older Adults

July 19, 2024

By Hemangi Sanjavini & Associate Professor Melinda Jackson. School of Psychological Sciences, Monash University  Taylor’s story: After retirement, Taylor struggled with going to bed at night.   “I just can’t fall asleep when I go to bed. I fall asleep hours…


The Importance of Social Connection

July 1, 2024

by Prof. Avni Sali AM Social connection is essential to our health, well-being and long-term survival.  Worldwide, the epidemic of loneliness presents itself as a major health issue of our times.  In Australia, a 2019 survey showed how overwhelmingly ‘loneliness’…


Winter Viruses and Immunity 

June 18, 2024

by Dr John Walters With the change of season and the onset of colder weather, many viruses and winter infections appear more commonly in our community.  Adequate levels of vitamin C are important for the human body to manage these…


The Importance of Vitamin D

May 20, 2024

By Professor Avni Sali “Humans are similar to outdoor plants, we cannot survive without sunshine”Over recent years much emphasis has been placed on reducing sunlight exposure and as a consequence, we have seen an alarming rise in Vitamin D deficiency.  Integrative…


The Mind-Gut Connection – How Your Gut Bugs Control Your Behaviour.

May 14, 2024

By Dr Arun Dhir Imagine you’ve just gotten into serious trouble at work. Maybe you sent an email about your boss… to your boss. Eek, that didn’t feel great, did it? If you truly imagine what that would feel like,…


Running on Empty

April 15, 2024

by Peter Webb M.Appl.Sci. (Coaching Psych.), B.Econ Hons (Org. Psych.), B.Naturopathy “I have to get it done”, said James. “I owe it to my family, my clients, and my debts!” James, aged 39, was telling me how frustrating it was…


What to Expect: Your First Consultation With a NIIM Integrative General Practitioner

April 10, 2024

An initial consultation with one of our Integrative General Practitioners at NIIM is usually 45 to 60 minutes. These longer consultations are important to thoroughly identify and address the underlying causes of your health issues and start to implement a…


Unlocking Nature’s Secret: How Phytoestrogens Can Ease Your Menopause Journey

March 19, 2024

By NIIM Clinical Naturopath, Lisa Hodge If you’re a woman in your mid-40’s to mid-50’s experiencing night sweats, hot flushes, mood swings, insomnia, unexplained weight gain, irregular periods and abnormally heavy periods, you may be peri menopausal. As opposed to…


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