
Japanese Acupuncture Tongue Diagnosis Study

A research study is being conducted at NIIM to investigated whether the characteristics of a person’s tongue could be useful in diagnosis in Toyohari Meridian Therapy (TMT), a Japanese form of acupuncture, like it is in Chinese medicine.

Participation involves:

  • Attending NIIM for a visit of approximately one hour.
  • A photograph of your tongue will be taken firstly.
  • A first TMT practitioner will take a case history where you will be asked a series of questions about your health, lifestyle and body functioning.
  • After this, you will be asked to lie face-up on a treatment table. The examination involves the practitioner looking at various areas such as the face and inner forearm, palpating (touching) the meridians (energy channels along which acupuncture points lie) on the legs and arms, palpating(touching) the abdomen (this is called ‘hara diagnosis’) and feeling the pulse on both wrists.
  • This examination will then be repeated by a second TMT practitioner separately.
  • Once both practitioners have completed their examination separately, they will come together with the aim of reaching consensus on their diagnosis- this may involve checking some of their observations on you again.

This research study has now concluded