Event Date: November 25, 2022, 9:00 am
Join us to engage with and learn from 20+ highly qualified International and Australian speakers, with a focus on presenting the latest evidence-based information, and how this works in practice. Empower yourself with advanced knowledge and expertise for direct application to help your patients, and support your clinical practice.
WHEN: Friday, 25 November & Saturday, 26 November 2022
LOCATION: Amora Hotel Riverwalk, Richmond, Melbourne
- Chronic Diseases: Prevention & Management
- Cognition, Memory & Healthy Ageing
- Pandemics & Our Immunity
- Environmental Medicine
- Mental Health
• GPs, Physicians & Medical Specialists
• Allied & Complementary Health Practitioners
• Dentists, Pharmacists & Assistants
• Nurses & Psychologists
• Health Policy Professionals
• Scientists, Researchers & Educators
• Healthcare Students
• Update your professional knowledge
• Access the latest evidence-based research
• Learn cutting-edge treatments and therapies
• Acquire new practical skills for direct application
• Engage in important, informative discussion
• Network with like-minded colleagues
• Re-charge, re-focus and renew your energy
One Day $295 * Full Time Student $155
Two Days $540 * Full Time Student $275
One Day $320 * Full Time Student $165
Two Days $595 * Full Time Student $295
* Prices for Full Time Students are subsidised by NIIM – proof of Full Time Student ID is required to qualify
The NIIM 7th Annual Symposium program is now available and will deliver dynamic relevant and up to date information to health professionals.
This year’s program includes:
- Keynote speeches
- Interactive Workshops
- Panel discussions
- Q&A Sessions
- Scientific Abstracts

Celebrating 10 Years of Research Cocktail Party
When: Friday 25 November
Time: 6.00pm – 7.00pm
Where: Amora Hotel Riverwalk
Included in Symposium registration
ACNEM 40th Anniversary Cocktail Party
When: Saturday 26 November
Time: 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Where: Amora Hotel Riverwalk
Complimentary event & limited capacity
Luke Darcy
A former Australian professional athlete, Luke playing over 200 AFL games and served as Western Bulldog’s captain during his 14-year career. Luke is currently co-host of the House of Wellness, and host of the Empowering Leaders podcast. He has successfully owned and operated businesses in leadership spaces and is passionate about what he sees as a shift to more self-reflective, collaborative, self-aware leadership. Luke has a unique ability to share practical ways and knowledge on how to lead with purpose and impact everyone in your environment in a positive way.
Professor Juergen Vormann (Germany)
Sponsored by Bio-Practica
Prof Vormann studied Nutritional Sciences at the University Hohenheim, Stuttgart, and also earned his Doctorate Pharmacology and Toxicology of Nutrition. He achieved the qualification of “Habilitation” for Biochemistry at Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Free University Berlin, holding the position of an extraordinary Professor. His field is biochemistry and pathophysiology of pharmacologically active food ingredients, magnesium transport, acid-base-metabolism. He has produced over 280 publications in scientific journals, monographs and textbooks. Prof Vormann is head of the Institute for Prevention & Nutrition, Ismaning/Munich.
Dr Tim Ewer (New Zealand)
Tim has been working in integrative medicine for over 30 years and is vocationally registered as both a specialist physician and a general practitioner. He has a GP practice with 23 staff at a specialised integrative health centre in Mapua, Nelson. Prior to this he was a hospital physician for 10 years after gaining his medical degree and specialist qualifications in the UK. Tim has trained in a variety of modalities including nutrition, environmental medicine, hyperbaric medicine, acupuncture, photobiomodulation and biofeedback.
Professor Avni Sali AM
Founding Director of NIIM, and Member of the Scientific Board of the European Congress for Integrative Medicine. He is the former Head of Graduate School of Integrative Medicine, Swinburne University and the University of Melbourne Dept of Surgery, Heidelberg Hospital. His expertise is in the areas of cancer and chronic disease. Avni is co-author of A Clinician’s Guide to Integrative Oncology, Springer USA. In 2016 he received an Order of Australia for significant service to integrative medicine as an educator, clinician and researcher, and to professional education.
Professor Kerry Bone
BSc(Hons) Dip.Phyt
Founder and innovation driver at MediHerb, where he serves as Director of R and D. He regularly lectures in Australia and overseas and is a prolific author, with seven published herbal medicine texts and over 40 scientific papers on herbal research. In 2015 Kerry’s lifelong contribution to the field of herbal therapy was recognised with the Lady Cilento award. Kerry maintains a busy naturopathic practice in Toowoomba Queensland where he has been in continuous service for 37 years.
Nicole Biljsma
ND BHScAc(Hons) Grad.Dip.OHS Adv.Dip.Building Biology PhD (pending)
Nicole is a bestselling author and founder of the Building Biology movement in Australia. She is the CEO of the Australian College of Environmental Studies and has lectured at tertiary institutions for 30 years, published in peer reviewed journals and is regularly consulted by the media to discuss mould, electromagnetic fields, and toxic chemicals. Her research explores the impact of environmental exposures on human health and their ramifications for clinical practice.
Dr Frank Cahill
BA. GradDip.AppliedPsych Dpsych MAPS
After a doctorate degree in counselling psychology, Frank then completed his training as a clinical psychologist with a special interest in treating insomnia. Prior to completing his degrees in psychology, Frank spent over 20 years as an organisational consultant working in the field of leadership development. Frank is a trained Cognitive Behavioural therapist, Schema therapist and EMDR therapist. He has had over 20 years’ experience helping people overcome anxiety, depression, stress, phobias, trauma, and sleep related issues.
Dr Ian Dettman
Following Pharmacy, Ian gained qualifications in Microbiology, Genetics & Biochemistry. A registered Pathology Practitioner, he founded a TGA-licensed GMP pharmaceutical manufacturing facility, Biological Therapies, specialising in injectable Vitamins. An experienced author and educator, Ian founded ACMN (Australasian College of Medical Nutrition), now AIMN (Australasian Institute for Medical Nutrition), training doctors and nurses in injectable nutrient therapies.
Dr Mark Donohoe
Current President of ACNEM, Mark graduated from Sydney University in 1980. His patients led him into the fields of Environmental Medicine and Nutritional Medicine. Mark has specialised in the fields of chronic fatigue syndrome, environmental and occupational toxicology, and sensory sensitivities including multiple chemical sensitivity. Mark works at Mosman Integrative Medicine in Sydney, where he focuses on the causes of illnesses and diseases. His underlying philosophy is that health in all its forms is the best prevention of disease.
Rebecca Edwards
BA Adv.Dip.Nat Dip.Nut
Director of Education at Activated Probiotics, Rebecca is a speaker, writer, educator, and qualified naturopath. She has twenty years of experience educating on all aspects of complementary and integrative health. A passionate and inspiring speaker, Rebecca has lectured to undergraduate students in Australia, UK, and the US, and delivered naturopathic education to healthcare practitioners around the world. She loves nothing more than sharing cutting edge research with her team of educators, practitioners, and medical communities internationally.
Professor Luigi Fontana
Chair of Translational Metabolic Health, Charles Perkins Centre, Prof of Medicine and Nutrition, University of Sydney and Academic, Dept Endocrinology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Luigi is an internationally recognized physician scientist and leader in the field of nutrition and healthy longevity. His pioneering clinical studies have opened a new area of nutrition-related research that holds tremendous promise for the prevention of age-related chronic diseases. His research has delivered new insights on how dietary restriction can influence human aging and the initiation, progression, and prognosis of chronic conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
Kristin Gilmour
BHSc (Naturopathy)
Kristin is a Melbourne-based Naturopathic practitioner with a special interest in the management of immune health, mental health, chronic inflammatory disorders, and skin conditions. Alongside her longstanding Naturopathic practice, Kristin is a respected researcher, technical writer, and educator. She is also co-host of the popular podcast, TechTalk with OptimalRx. Kristin has a great love of herbal medicine and is passionate about health education and providing clinicians with practical and innovative natural medicine strategies based on current research and clinical results.
Dr Sandeep Gupta
An Integrative Medicine GP, Sandeep established Lotus Institute of Holistic Health on the Sunshine Coast in 2017. He has a special interest in chronic illnesses with a focus on environmental medicine. Sandeep’s main passion relates to finding causes and utilising innovative treatments and management of disease. Sandeep has done further studies in the fields of nutrition, biotoxin illness, chemical sensitivity and others, to enhance his wealth of knowledge and experience. He sits on various Boards including the Australian Chronic Infectious & Inflammatory Disease Society (ACIIDS).
Associate Professor Vicki Kotsirilos AM
MBBS FACNEM FASLM Awarded Honorary Fellowship of the RACGP
Vicki is a respected GP with over 36 years of clinical experience, who emphasizes the importance of lifestyle and preventative medicine with her patients at the Dunstan Dental & Medical . Co-author of A guide to evidence-based Integrative and Complementary Medicine, she has a wide range of interests and keeps up to date with the research. Vicki lectures regularly on Medicinal Cannabis and is Australia’s first Authorised GP Prescriber. Awarded an Order of Australia and an Australia Day Environment award.
Professor Jayashri Kulkarni AM
Jayashri graduated in Medicine from Monash University, then became a Fellow of the College of Psychiatrists, and commenced as Professor of Psychiatry at The Alfred and Monash University in 2002. She founded and directs two research centres – HER Centre Australia and the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc). Jayashri is an internationally acknowledged leader and expert in the field of Women’s Mental Health. She developed and launched Australia’s first women’s mental health hospital at Cabrini Health in 2021. Jayashri received an Order of Australia (AM) in 2019 for her services to Psychiatry.
Dr Nicole Nelson
Nicole completed a Bachelor degree in pharmacy at Sydney University majoring in toxicology, and worked as a hospital pharmacist before studying Medicine at the University of Queensland. In 2011 she began to formalise her education in nutritional and environmental medicine. Nicole has a long-standing interest in diet, lifestyle, and nutrients and how these three key components can help prevent and treat many common illnesses. As a medical doctor, Nicole sees that many patients’ illnesses can be linked to diet, lifestyle choices and nutrient deficiencies.
Dr Michael Osiecki
PhD BE(Chemical) BBiotech(Hons)
Michael received his doctorate for research in the field of biological engineering, specialising in isolation and expansion of stem cells in bioreactor systems. Managing Director of Bio Concepts Michael currently serves on the board of Complementary Medicine Australia. For his contribution to the nutritional industry and education, he was awarded the 2021 Complementary Medicine Australia Young Achiever of the Year. Michael has a passion for educating practitioners about the power of nutritional medicine through understanding of fundamental biology and biochemistry, sharing knowledge to tackle complex conditions.
Dr Jonathan Page
MBBS (Hons) BSc(Med)(Hons) FRACP
Jonathan has been a medical oncologist and palliative care physician since 1984. He discovered early that treatment with the then emerging chemotherapy drugs, even if successful, did not address the deep fears, depression and anxiety which inevitably accompanies the diagnosis of cancer. These vitally important aspects must be addressed with mindful engagement and compassion. This allows a deepening of the doctor-patient relationship, through which wisdom and transformation may arise, in turn enriching the lives of both patient and doctor.
A/Professor Karin Ried
PhD MSc GDPH Cert.Integ.Med
Director of Research at NIIM, with over 20 years’ experience in medical research. Karin has a PhD (Human Genetics) and Masters Degree from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. She holds an Honorary Adjunct A/Professor position at Torrens University, VIC and Honorary A/Professor title at University of Adelaide, SA. 2022 marks the 10-year anniversary of Research at NIIM. Within this time, A/Prof Ried led several projects in cancer, chronic fatigue, sleep, heart, gut, and respiratory health, and has published 40 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Nathan Rose
Nathan is the Global Head of Clinical Affairs for Metagenics, and previously the Head of Science for Metagenics responsible for Product Innovation, Research and Development. Nathan has been involved in Clinical Education for over a decade. A regular speaker at conferences worldwide, he also hosts podcasts, interviewing world leading clinicians and researchers on new and exciting developments. Nathan is deeply passionate about identifying new and innovative solutions in natural medicine to ensure the best outcomes for both clients and practitioners alike.
George Sondergeld
After graduating with a Bachelor of Pharmacy, George dedicated his life to the pursuit of compounding, completing courses such as: Bio-Identical Hormone Restoration Therapy; Essential Elements of Prescribing Analgesic Compounding; and Sterile Compounding. In 2014 he became a part-owner of Your Solution Compounding, and moved to Melbourne as Managing Director and head pharmacist of the company’s second laboratory. George is highly passionate about integrative therapies and collaborates with some of Australia’s leading researchers and physicians to formulate cutting-edge preparations.
Dr Lily Thomas
Lily has been a practicing Integrative GP for the last 25 years. She is Past President of AIMA and co-founder of Advances in Integrative Medicine, Elsevier. She is a Fellow of ACNEM and Director of Bio-Balance Health. Dr Tomas is co-author of Live Your Best Life! Whole Mind, Whole Body, Complete Health. She has contributed to several Integrative Medicine textbooks and is a passionate speaker to both health professionals and the public on a wide range of integrative medical subjects.
Dr Nikolaj Travica
PhD BSc(Hons) BA (Psych & Psychophysiology)
Nikolaj has a Bachelor in Psychology & Psychophysiology, and Honours degree majoring in Psychology. Nikolaj completed his PhD at the Centre for Human Psychopharmacology at Swinburne University & the National Institute of Integrative Medicine, where he was a member of the Research team. His PhD examined the relationship between vitamin C and cognitive function. Nikolaj is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Food and Mood Centre, where his current research program covers a broad range of projects involving the use nutraceuticals for mental health and cognition.
Professor Luis Vitetta
BSc(Hons) PhD GradDip.Integr.Med GradDiplNutrEnviron.Med
Luis is a Professor with the University of Sydney, Sydney Medical School. Between the years 2007-2013 he was the Director and Professor of the Centre for Integrative Clinical and Molecular Medicine at the University of Queensland, School of Medicine, based at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane. Luis has research interests in the microbiome/nutrition/probiotics and immune function areas, as well as research on cannabis medicine.
Dr Michelle Woolhouse
An Integrative GP at the NIIM Clinic, Michelle has more than 20 years’ experience. She also has post graduate training in nutritional medicine and mind-body medicine. Michelle’s philosophy is that health care should focus on the person as a whole and address the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual wellbeing of the individual. She is also a keynote speaker and podcast host in the arena of holistic health, anxiety, and stress management. Michelle has recently written a book The Power Within: a heart-led playbook for the anxious stressed and burnt out.
Dr Paul Stevens
MB.Ch.B. BHSci.Nat. Grad.Dip.Sci. Cert.Phytotherapy FASLM
Paul is a registered Medical Practitioner, Naturopath, Yoga & Meditation teacher. He has also studied yoga, meditation practice & science extensively. Paul draws on evidence-based modalities from mind-body medicine, western medicine, naturopathic medicine, and the contemplative and psychological sciences. He explores ways in which a collaborative partnership toward self-determination and a ‘growth mindset’ in health and wellness can be created.
Friday: Dr Tim Ewer, Integrative GP (Bio as above)
Saturday: Sandy Rea, Psychologist & Media Commentator
Sandy Rea
PhD Candidate, M.Crim(Forensic Psych) M.Ed St(Psych) FCEDP MAPS
A leading practising psychologist, Sandy has her own multi-disciplined private practice, Sandy Rea & Associates in Melbourne. She is a Fellow of the College of Educational and Developmental psychology, and currently completing her PhD on The recovery of high profile people who have been publicly condemned by the media. Sandy is an articulate and succinct media commentator, and is a Psychologist with the Nine Network, 3AW and has her own regular column with Herald Sun.

The organiser reserves the right to alter items in the program. The information contained within this program is true and accurate at time of printing.
Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is the responsibility of attendees to have their own insurance.
Cancellations must be notified in writing two weeks prior to event. No refunds will be given after this time. However a substitute person may attend by prior arrangement with the organiser.
Enquiries: events@niim.com.au
Certificates of Attendance:
Issued upon request
Application for CPD points pending
Other CPD/CPE points:
Points may be available from many other professional bodies subject to application. Please provide your certificate of attendance, copy of the program and statement to demonstrate relevance to your profession.