Event Date: August 15, 2018, 6:30 pm
Join us for this free public education seminar on How To Have a Healthy Gut.
WHEN: Wednesday 15 August 6.30pm – 8.00pm
NIIM Lecture Theatre
Level 3, 21 Burwood Rd, Hawthorm, Victoria 3122
The Gut Microbiome and Mood Disorders
Prof Luis Vitetta
MBBS, FANZCA, FAMASBSc(Hons) PhD GradDip.Integr.Med GradDip. NutrEnviron.Med
Luis Vitetta is Director of Medical Research at Medlab Clinical and Professor with the University of Sydney, Sydney Medical School. Between the years 2007 – 2013 he was the Director and Professor of the Centre for Integrative Clinical and Molecular Medicine at the University of Queensland, School of Medicine, based at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane. Luis has research interests in the microbiome/nutrition/probiotics and immune function area, as well as research on cannabis medicines.
The GARGIC Trial – Kyolic Garlic for Gut Microbiota, Inflammation and Cardiovascular Health
A/Professor Karin Ried
PhD MSc GDPH Cert.Integ.Med
Director of Research at NIIM, with over 20 years’ experience in medical & public health research. Karin has a PhD & Masters Degree from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, Dept of Human Molecular Genetics. She holds an Honorary Adjunct A/Prof position at Bond University, Qld & is Honorary Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide, SA. Her research has been published widely and has featured on national media in Australia and overseas.

NIIM is a DGR endorsed charitable organisation. Our public seminars have been sponsored by ‘SAISEI MIRAI’
NIIM is approx 6kms from the CBD
Train: Hawthorn station is located across the road
Tram: Route 75 Stop 25 (St James Park) along Burwood Rd, to/from the CBD
Limited onsite parking is available at rear of the venue. On-street parking is available in nearby Streets. Paid parking is also available in multi-level car park across the road at Epworth Hawthorn
Book online via Eventbrite