
The Gluco-Metabolism Study

The study

12-week randomised placebo-controlled trial investigating the tolerability and effectiveness of the Nutrition Care Gluco-Metabolism herbal Formula on blood glucose levels.

What is involved

  • Attendance at 7 appointments at NIIM over 12 weeks
  • Appointments will take approx. 1-2 hrs
  • Testing will include FREE blood tests, 2x 14-day Gluco-Sensor & App
  • After a run-in phase of 2 weeks, take 2 tablets 3 times a day for 10 weeks


You are invited for a FREE screening test to assess your fasting or post-meal blood sugar levels, to check if you have prediabetes. People that have prediabetes are eligible to be recruited into this trial.

You may be at a heightened risk of prediabetes if you have:

  • A Sedentary lifestyle
  • Overweight
  • A family history of type 2 diabetes

Where and Contact Information 

Testing will be conducted at:
NIIM, Level 3,
21 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn, VIC 3122
Phone:  03 9912 9580
Email:   research@niim.com.au