
Nutritional Medicine


The effect of cocoa or chocolate on blood pressure

Published Research

The effect of garlic on blood pressure and cholesterol

Published Research

Other nutritional medicines for heart health

Published Research

Ginger and nausea in cancer patients

Despite advances in anti-vomiting medication, nausea continues to be a problem for many patients receiving chemotherapy and is usually rated as the worst side-effect of cancer treatments. Nausea may be so severe that some patients want to stop treatment. There is evidence from international trials that ginger capsules in conjunction with standard antivomiting medication, is effective in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea. However, this therapy is not routinely used in oncology clinics due to its novelty and the lack of information about how patients will tolerate ginger in the clinical setting.

We are currently conducting a double blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study which aims to determine:

    1. the effect of ginger on the incidence, frequency and severity of chemotherapy-induced nausea;
    2. the tolerability of adjuvant ginger to chemotherapy patients; and
    3. the feasibility of introducing it in our clinical setting.