Dr Koshy Philip
Dr. Koshy Philip completed his Ph.D in 1985 majoring in Microbial Biotechnology including Biochemistry and soon after started his career as a Research Associate at the University of Agriculture, Malaysia. In 1987, he joined a state government project in Sabah, East Malaysia as a Research Consultant working towards developing Structural and Strategic Development Plans for natural resources, biodiversity and value added development of biotech products through sustainable management. His later projects funded by World Bank and Asian Development Bank comprised of preparing inventories on flora, microflora and environmental impact assessments in areas developing oil palm plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia. Soon after he joined Orgacare Pharmaceuticals, a multinational company, as a Consultant Biotechnologist and Technical Manager researching and developing nutraceuticals and probiotics with operations in Malaysia, Australia, South East Asia, Hongkong and USA.
In 2000, Koshy Philip was awarded an International Visiting Fellowship under the U.S State Department on “Biotechnology & Sustainable Development” to study as a Visiting Fellow at a number of U.S institutions relevant to biotechnology. Currently, he is involved in a collaboration with the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and the University of Iowa to elucidate biophysical characteristics of novel antimicrobial peptides that are used in pharmaceutical applications and probiotics.
In 2004, Koshy Philip joined the Medical Faculty of University of Malaya as an Associate Professor teaching and researching in the areas of Molecular Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Industrial and Environmental Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Biotechnology in Human Health. He has completed supervision of six Ph.D students, several M.S students and published in high impact peer reviewed Web of Science journals. He is also a regular reviewer of manuscripts before publication in the tier one publication Food Control and other high impact journals in his field of specialization. He has also written for the mass media and given public lectures for the benefit of the layman.
Koshy Philip has developed patents from his research and works in collaboration with the industry synergising with his University to commercialize products based on antimicrobial peptides. He has also contributed to the development of the Malaysian Microbiology and Organic Agriculture Standards for the Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia and is actively involved in biosafety standards for the University of Malaya. Koshy Philip is also a member of Microbiology and Biotechnology Societies and continues to collaborate with the growing Malaysian biotech industry.