Associate Professor John Munro
BSc, MA, BEd, PhD
Professor Munro is Head of Studies in Gifted Education and Exceptional Learning in the Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne. He is a trained secondary and primary school teacher and a psychologist. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of:
- The psychology of exceptional learning
- literacy learning and learning difficulties including dyslexia,
- maths learning and dyscalculia
- gifted learning,
- instructional leadership and school improvement and
- learning internationally.
His interest in integrative medicine has grown from potential influence of biochemical and physiological factors on cognitive and metacognitive processing.
He is currently contributing to the following projects:
- identifying students who are gifted and talented in African and Asian cultures.
- A cognitive framework for understanding international learning
- Psycholinguistic and cognitive causes of literacy learning disabilities
- Improving reading comprehension by teaching cognitive and metacognitive strategies
- Teachers knowledge of how to teach self regulation.
- Knowledge in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
- Cognitive and psycholinguistic factors associated with gifted underachievement.
He is a consultant to several school improvement projects is Victoria, ACT and Queensland. His was chairperson of the College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists (Aus) and is a Life Member of the Learning Disabilities Australia. Articles he has written on the Extended Essay can be located at