Andrew J Sinclair
Emeritus Professor, Professor of Nutrition Science,
Deakin University, Australia.
Adjunct Professor, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics,
Monash University, Australia
Visiting Professor, South China University of Technology,
Guangzhou, China
Experience in research, building multidisciplinary research teams, research advice, industry engagement, teaching and mentoring academics for forty-six years.
Experience working with industry in project management, expert opinion evidence, and senior advisor to industry boards, international technical panels and academic journals.
Employment Summary
- Deakin University, Professor Nutrition Science, 2006-2014
- RMIT University, Professor of Food Science, 1996-2005
- RMIT University, Professor of Biochemistry, 1992-1995
- Deakin University, Research Fellow (on secondment), 1989-1994
- RMIT University, Principal Lecturer, 1986-1992
- Veterinary Research Institute, Senior Research Scientist, Parkville, 1976-1985
- University of Melbourne, Senior Tutor, 1975
- Nuffield Institute of Comparative Medicine, Zoological Society of London, Postdoctoral Fellow, 1971-1974
- University of Western Ontario, Canada, Postdoctoral Fellow, 1969-1970
- Doctor of Philosophy, Biochemistry, University of Melbourne 1968
- Bachelor Agricultural Science, University of Melbourne, 1964
- Australasian-American Oil Chemists’ Society Research Award 2015, International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids Alexander Leaf Life-time Research Award, 2014
- Honorary Fellow of Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, 2011
- Fellow of the Nutrition Society of Australia, 2003
- Fellow of the Australian Institute of Food Science & Technology, 2001
- Fellow (Hon), Australia College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, 2012
- Supelco/Nicholas Pellick AOCS Research Award, 1999
- Chair, Animal Ethics Committee, Deakin University, 2008-2014
- Deputy Chair, Research & Research Training Committee, Deakin University, 2013
- Director, Metabolic Research Unit, Deakin University, 2008-2012
- Chair, National Committee for Nutrition, Australian Academy of Science, 2011-2013.
- Chair, FAO/WHO Review Panel on risks and benefits of seafood consumption, 2010
- President of Board of Trustees, ILSI Australasia Inc, 2009-2011.
- Scientific Advisor, The Omega 3 Centre (Australia), 2005-2017
- Chair, Australian Nutrition Trust Fund, 2011-2018
- President, Nutrition Society of Australia, 2008-09.
- Honorary Secretary, Nutrition Society of Australia, 2004-2005
- Honorary Editor, Nutrition Society of Australia, 1983-85
- Conference chairperson, International and National conferences, organization and fund raising (1992, 1995, 2006).
Research and Teaching
Research Publications
- Peer-reviewed publications, 286. According to google scholar, h-index of 56, total citations 10,301.
Research Service
- Editorial Board, Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes & Essential Fatty Acids (Elsevier Journal), 2006 -Deputy Editor, British Journal of Nutrition, 2011 –
- Reviewer of Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic, 2012Examiner for Higher Degrees
- Reviewer of National and International grants
- Research Supervision – Postgraduate Students
- Successfully supervised
- 22 Master of Science and Honours students at RMIT University and Deakin University, 17 PhD students at RMIT University and Deakin University, and co-supervised 4 PhD students at the University of Melbourne.
- HDR Supervisor of the Year, RMIT University 2002
- HDR Supervisor of the Year, Deakin University 1994
Research Interests
- Food technology, clean food, food security, nutrition in transition, optimizing brain health through nutrition.
Teaching – Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students
- Taught classes in biochemistry, nutrition and functional foods at RMIT University and
Deakin University in the period 1986 to 2014, inclusive.