Ph.D. Thesis (Surgery) Monash University (1977). Neurohumoral control of hepatic bile secretion.
Kune GA, Sali A, Jones T. (Editors) Proceedings First Australian Pancreas Congress. The University of Melbourne, Australia
Kune GA, Sali A, The Practice of Biliary Surgery. Blackwell. Oxford (1980). New edition in preparation.
Kune GA, Sali A, Jones T. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography. In: Biliary Disease The University of Melbourne
Kune GA, Sali A, Chirurgia delle via Biliari. (In Italian). Marrapese Rome
Kune GA, Sali A, Jones T. (Editors) Biliary Disease. 1980. The University of Melbourne
Kune GA, Sali A, Jones T. Bile duct gallstones – flushing and dissolving. In: Biliary Disease. The University of Melbourne
Sali, A. Gallstones – Aetiology and Dissolution. Ellis H and Schwartz S. (Eds). Maingot’s Abdominal Operations. Appleton-Century-Crofts, Norwalk
Kune GA, Sali A. Surgery of the Gallbladder and Bile Ducts. (In Japanese) Igaku-Shoin. Tokyo, 1986.
Sali, A. Dilatation of oesophageal strictures. In: the Surgery of the Oesophagus. Jamieson, GG. Churchhill-Livingstone
Sali A. Fletcher D. Laser therapy for oesophageal cancer. In: The Surgery of the Oesophagus. Jamieson GG. Churchill-Livingstone
Kune GA, Bannerman S., Sali A. Scientific evidence of life prolongation when the pysche is also treated: The Psyche and Cancer, University of Melbourne
Sali, A. Dilatation of oesophageal strictures. Jamieson GG, Debas HT (Eds) Rob and Smith’s Operative Surgery. Upper Gastrointestinal Tract. London; Chapman & Hall London
Kotsirilos V, Vitetta L, Sali A – “Integrative and Complementary Medicine”, Elsevier
O’Brien K, Sali A – ‘A Clinicians Guide to Integrative Oncology’ – What you should be talking about with Cancer Patients and Why. Springer US
Sali A. One Page Good Diet Book. Dynamo Press, Melbourne, 1987.
Sali A. Short K. Vitamin and Mineral Decoder. Dynamo Press, Melbourne, 1991.
Dicker G, Field B, Sali A. Dietary Habits and Supplementation practices of Australian Cross Country Skiers. Australian Sports Commission, Canberra. 1992.
Chapter/s in Books
Sali A. Cancer of the pancreas. Epidemiology. World Incidence. In: Proc. First Australian Pancrease Congress. Eds: Kune GA, Sali A, Jones T. The University of Melbourne, 1978.
Sali A. Acute pancreatitis. Diagnosis. In: Proc. First Australian Pancreas Congress. Eds: Kune GA, Sali A, Jones T. The University of Melbourne, 1978.
Sali A. Gallstone and gallstone dissolution. New developments. In: Biliary Disease, 1980. Eds: Kune GA, Sali A, Jones T. The University of Melbourne, 1981.
Sali A, Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography. In: Biliary Disease, 1980. Eds: Kune GA, Sali A, Jones T. The University of Melbourne, 1981.
Sali A, Bile duct gallstones – flushing and dissolving. In: Biliary Disease, 1980. Eds: Kune GA, Sali A, Jones T. The University of Melbourne, 1981.
Sali A. Gallstones – Aetiology and Dissolution. Ellis H and Schwartz S. (Eds). Maingot’s Abdominal Operations. (Eighth Edition 1985, Ninth Edition 1989). Appleton-Century-Crofts, Norwalk, 1985.
Sali A. Dilatation of oesophageal strictures. In: the Surgery of the Oesophagus. Ed: Jamieson, GG. Churchhill-Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1988.
Fletcher D, Sali A. Laser therapy for oesophageal cancer. In: The Surgery of the Oesophagus. Ed: Jamieson GG. Churchill-Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1988.
Sali A. Scientific evidence of life prolongation when the pysche is also treated. Kune GA and Bannerman S. (Eds) The Psyche and Cancer, University of Melbourne, 1992.
Sali A. Dilatation of oesophageal strictures. Jamieson GG, Debas HT (Eds) Rob and Smith’s Operative Surgery. Upper Gastrointestinal Tract. Vol., London; Chapman & Hall London (Maingot’s Abdominal Operations, Rob and Smith’s Operative Surgery are the world’s leading surgical texts.) (1994)
Sali A. Longevity in anti-aging medicine in holistic health care in practice. AIMA 2003;pp 210-220.
Sali A. Men’s health in holistic solutions for sustainable health care. AIMA 2004; pp 180-194.
Vitetta L, Anton B, Cortizo F, Sali A. Mind Body Medicine: Stress and its impact on Overall Health and Longevity. In: Reversal of Aging, Myth and Reality: Beyond the Man-Made Barriers. Part VI. Replacement Therapies of a Failing Body: Clinical Evidence of Restorative Medicine: Annals New York Academy of Sciences Volume 1057; 2005; Pp 492–505.
Anton B, Vitetta L, Cortizo F, Sali A. Can We Delay Aging? The Biology and Science of Aging. In: Reversal of Aging, Myth and Reality: Beyond the Man-Made Barriers. Part VII. Striving for Health—Anti-aging Medicine and Its Presence in the World: The Witnesses and Pioneers of a Rapidly Changing and Aging Western Population: Annals New York Academy of Sciences Volume 1057; 2005; Pp 525–535.
Vitetta L, Sali A. Mind Body Medicine: The Key to Health and Longevity. Chapter in Book In: Mind Body and Relaxation Research Focus. Nova Press Scientific Publications. De Luca BD, ed., ISBN-10: 1600218199 ISBN-13: 978-1600218194
Sali A, Vitetta L. Ageing. In: General Practice: The Integrative Approach. Elsevier. Eds Phelps K., Hassed C. In Press for 2008.
Sali, A and Vitetta Chapter ‘Ageing’ pp. 841-857, General Practice: The Integrative Approach Kerryn Phelps and Craig Hassed, Elsevier Australia
Vitetta L, Ciccutini F, Sali A. Alternative Therapies for Musculoskeletal Conditions. In: Best Practice and Research in Clinical Rheumatology. Brooks P, Conaghan, P. eds., Elsevier Science Ltd.
Articles and Abstracts
Corlett RJ, Sali A, Hansky J. Pancreatitis: A retrospective study. Med J Aust. 1966; 2:54
Corlett RJ, Sali A, Hansky J. Pancreatitis: A retrospective study. Med J Aust. 1966; 2:54.
Hunt P, Cocks J, de Boer W, Dennis P, Gordon E, Jablonski P, Sali A, et al. Liver Transplantation in the pig. Med J Aust, 1970;2:261.
Yoffa ED, Cocks J, Gordon E, Sali A et al. Hepatic Allotransplantation in the pig. Aust NZ J Surg, 1970;32:3. (Abs)
Sali A, Watts J, McKay C. Regulation of hepatic bile flow and its composition. Aust NZ J Surg, 1971. (Abs);41:94.
Gordon EM, Douglas MC, Jablonski P, Owens JA, Sali A et al. The effect of cholecystokinin pancreomyzin, gastrin and secretin on bile secretion in the isolated perfused pig liver. Surgery, 73, 708, 1972.
Jablonski P, Sali A, Watts J. McKay C. Gastrointestinal hormones and bile secretion in the perfused pig liver: effect of secretin, cholecystokinin and pentagastrin. Aust NZ J Surg 44, 1973, 1974. (Abs).
Sali A, Murray WR, Blackwood A, McKay C. Bile acid binding properties of antacids in vivo. Brit J Surg 1977;64:4.
Sali A, Watkinson G, McKay C. The management of bile salt diarrhoea with aluminium hydroxide. Gut 1977;18:5.
Hargreave T, Sali A, Sullivan M. Diurnal variation in urinary oxidate. Brit J Urol 1977;49:597.
Sali A, Murray WR, MacKay C. Bile acid binding properties of antacids. Lancet 1977;2:1851.
Sali A, Adams FG, MacKay C. The influence of phenobarbitone on gallstone disease. Proc Gastroenterological Soc Aust. October 1977.
MacKay C, Sali A, Adams TG. Phenobarbitone and gallstone disease. Brit J Surg 1978;65:362. (Abs)
Sali A, Hargreave T, Bakkaloglu M, MacKay C. Binding of dietary oxylate in recurrent renal stone formers. Aust NZ J Surg 1978;48:587.
Kune GA, Hobbs JB, Butterfield D, Sali A. Cancer of the pancreas in young adults. Med J Aust 1978;2:626.
Sali A. Cancer and bile salt binding. Lancet 1978;2:424. (Letter)
Hunt PS, Francis JK, Peck G, Farrel K, Sali A. Tinidazole in the prevention of wound infection after elective colorectal surgery. Med J Aust 1979;1:107.
Hunt PS, Sali A. The prevention of colorectal cancer. Med J Aust 1979;1:613.
Hunt PS, Francis JK, Peck G, Farrel K, Sali A. A controlled trial of the use of Tinidazole in the prevention of wound infection after colonic surgery. Aust. NZ J Surg 1979;49:1953. (Abs)
Sali A. Cancer of the pancreas. Diagnosis. Recent Advances. Proc VIth Annual Scientific Meeting, Clinical Oncological Society of Australia, 1979.
Sali A, Young G, Jones T, Nagesh A et al. Fine needle percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography in jaundice. Proc. Gastrointestinal Soc Aust, October 1979.
Eastman M, Sali A. The modern treatment of oesophageal stenosis. Med J Aust 1980;1:129.
Sali A. The role of delayed primary suture in the prevention of wound infection. Proc Vith World Congress , Collegium Internationale Chirurgae Digestivae. Lisbon, Portugal, 1980.
Leinkram C, Chou ST, Iser J, Sali A. Multiple primary cancers arising from different organs and tissues. Med J Aust 1980;1:309.
Sali A, Crowe C, Iser J, Donohue W, Kune GA. Biliary citrate secretion. Aust NZ J Med 1980;10:114. (Abs)
Kune, GA. Sali, A. Issue- The practice of biliary surgery. 20-Sep-1980. Publisher: Oxford : Blackwell, 1980. Physical Description: xvi,462p.,ill.
Chandler M, Chou ST, Chew MW, Kune GA, Sali A. Intestinal alkaline phosphatase in experimental bowel injuries. Aust NZ J Surg 1981;51:393. (Abs)
Donohue W, Hocking C, Lawrence S, Iser J, Sali A. Citrate and in-vitro gallstone dissolution. Aust NZ J Surg 1981;51:396. (Abs)
Sali A. Nurse Education. Aust Nurses Journal 1981;10:7. (Letter)
Iser J, Sali A. Chenodeoxycholic acid: a review of its pharmacological properties and therapeutic use. Drugs 1981;21:90.
Sali A, Dicker G, McColl D. The extent of injuries in Victorian Football League footballers. Aust Fam Phys 1981;10:169.
Sali A, Street L, Iser J. Eder-Puestow dilatation for oesophageal stricture. Proc. General Scientific Meeting Roy Aust Coll of Surgeons. p. 59, 1981.
Nayman J, Vitetta L, Hocking C, Sali A. Primary bile duct stones. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Aust NZ J Surg 52:280-281 1981. Sydney Australia 198
Iser J, Sali A, Hocking C, Lawrence S, Kune GA. Gallstone dissolution with chenodeoxycholic acid. The Melbourne experience. Aust NZ J Med 1982;12:109.
Sali A. Management of the retained or recurrent common duct stone. Jikeikal Med J. (Japanese) 1982;29:418. (Extracted from seminar I was invited to participate in).
Sali A. We are what we eat – The eating habits of our young. In the health of our young, and investment in tomorrow – H.B.A Symposium, Melbourne, p. 35, 1982.
Sali A. We are what we eat: the eating habits of our young. School Bell. p. 12, October 1982.
Sali A. The isolate varicose vein – percutaneous ligation. Aust Fam Physician 1982;11:114.
Sali A, Tyler J, Street L, Kune GA. Conservative treatment for oesophageal stricture. Proc 7th Congress. Collegium Internationale Chirugiae Digestiveae, P. WO95, Tokyo, Japan, 1982.
Sali A, Vitetta L, Hocking C, Kune GA, Nayman J. The Composition of primary bile duct stones. 7th World CICD Congress on Gastroenterology. Digs Surg J 1:F018, 1982. Tokyo Japan 1982
Sali A, Vitetta L, Hocking C, Kune GA. In vitro dissolution of cholesterol gallstones with citrate. 7th World CICD Congress on Gastroenterology. Digs Surg J 1:R52, 1982. Tokyo Japan 1982
Iser JH, Sali A, Arkles LB, Gill GD. Gallstone dissolution: dissolution with oral cholecystography. Aust NZ J Med 1983;13:438. (Abs)
Hillman HS, Iser JH, Incani A, Johnson RD, Strauss BJ, Sali A. A comparison of Cimetidine, Carbenoxolone and a combination of the two in the treatment of gastric ulcer. Aust NZ J Med 1983;13:441. (Abs)
Kune GA, Jones TJ, Sali A. Hydatid disease. Med J Aust 1983;141:385.
Sali A. Dietary fibre in the prevention and treatment of disease. Proc of Nutrition Symposium, Aust Pharmaceutical Soc. 1983.
Sali A. Nutritional manipulation towards prevention of surgery. Proc International Nutrition Meeting, Surfers Paradise, June 1983.
Sali A. The eating habits of young Australians. Proc 3rd National Conference on Adolescent Health. December 1983.
Sali A. Recent developments in biliary surgery. J Operating Room Group 1983;5:27.
Lusink C, Sali A, Chou ST. Diagnostic accuracy of flexible endoscopic biopsy in carcinoma of the oesophagus and cardia. Aust NZ J Surg 1983;53:545.
Ross H, Cuthbertson AM, and collaborators (A.Sali). Prophylaxis of wound and other sepsis in elective colorectal surgery using Tinidazole with or without Cephamandole. Proc International Soc of Surg Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, p. 44, 1983.
Cuthbertson AM, Ross H and collaborators (A.Sali). A clinical trial of prophylaxis of wound sepsis in elective colorectal surgery comparing Cephamandole and Tinidazole with Tinidazole alone. Med J Aust 1983;141.
Sali A, Hocking C, Kolavcic M, Lawrence S, Thomson G. Low down on high fibre. Aust Fam Physician 1983;12:66.
Vitetta L, Sali A, Hocking C, Thomson G. Calcified cholesterol gallstones and citrate. 1st Australian Postgraduate Research Meeting. APRC Proc 1, 1983. Sydney Australia 1983
Vitetta L, Sali A, Hocking C, Thomson G. Primary bile duct stone composition suggests an etiology different to that of gallbladder stones. 1st Australian Postgraduate Research Meeting. APRC Proc 1, 1983. Sydney Australia 1983
Sali A, Vitetta L, Hocking C, Thomson G, Kune GA. Dissolution of calcified cholesterol gallstones with citrate. 30th World CISS Conference in Surgery. World J Surg 90, 1983. Hamburg Germany 1983
Sali A. Hiccough. Aust Fam Physician 1984;13:24.
Kune GA, Sali A. Diagnosis and management of pancreatic cancer. Aust Fam Physician 1984;14:259.
Sali A. Nutrition in relation to the disease process. Proc International Nutrition Conference, p. 3 Rotorua, New Zealand, 1984.
Sali A. Gallstones, causes, prevention and treatment. Proc International Nutrition Conference, p. 4. Rotorua, New Zealand, 1984.
Sali A. Cancer – A Surgeon’s Perspective. Proceedings Symposium on Cancer Perspectives, 1984.
Sali A. Gallbladder disease. New trends in diagnosis and management. Aust Fam Physician 1984;13:414.
Sali A, Ewing H, Hunt R, Conboy D. Dilatation of benign oesophageal strictures with Eder-Puestow and Celestin dilators. Dig Surg 1984;1:91.
Sali A, Lusink C, Chou ST, Westlake G, Daniel F. Comparison of rigid and flexible endoscopy in carcinoma of the oesophagus and cardia. Proc 8th World Congress Collegium International Chirurgiae Digestivae P.O. 013, Amsterdam, Holland, 1984.
Sali A, Hartley B, Kune GA. Management of the postcholedochotomy retained stone. Proc General Scientific Meeting Roy Aust Coll Surg p. 16, Melbourne, 1984.
The University of Melbourne Colorectal Group. Prophylaxis of wound sepsis in elective colorectal surgery comparing Cephamandole and Tinidzaole with Tinidazole alone. Aust NZ J Surg 1984;54:166.
Vitetta L, Sali A, Chou ST, Fleming H. Gallstone incidence and composition. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Aust NZ J Surg 14, 1984. Melbourne, Australia,1984
Sali A, Vitetta L, Chou ST, Fleming H. Gallstone incidence and composition in Australia. 8th World CICD Congress on Gastroenterology. Digs Surg J W047, 1984. Amsterdam The Netherlands,1984
Sali A. Preventive initiatives in medicine and surgery. The importance of nutrition and tranquility. Aust Fam Physician 1985;14:1309.
Kune GA, Gooey J, Penfold C, Sali A. Association between colorectal polyps and skin tags. Lancet 1985;2:1062. (Letter)
Sali A. Recent advances in surgery. Aust Fam Physician 1985;14:80.
Hunt R, Kune GA, Sali A. Oestrogen receptors in focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver. Med J Aust 1985;143:519.
Sali A, Bean R, Evans S. Treatment of increased platelet adhesiveness in cancer patients using vitamin E and aspirin. Proc Royal Aust Coll Surg General Scientific Meeting, p 107, 1985.
Lusink C, Sali A. Intrahepatic gallbladder and obstructive jaundice. Med J Aust 1985;142:53.
Vitetta L, Coloe S, Carsons P, Thomson G, Sali A. The role of bacteria in the etiology of gallstones. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Aust NZ J Surg 137, 1985. Sydney, Australia ,1985
Sali A, Bean R, Elzarka A, Hams S, Wright D. Normalisation of abnormal platelet adhesiveness in cancer patients with vitamin E and aspirin. Proc 14yh International Cancer Congress p. 1011, Budapest, 1986.
Elzarka A, Sali A. Comparison of stapling and suturing for anterior resection. Proc 9th World Congress Collegium Internationale Chirurgiae p. 113, 1986.
Sali A, Bean R, Elzarka A, Harris S, Wright D. Abnormal platelet adhesiveness in cancer patients. Proc 9th World Congress Collegium Internationale Chirugiae p. 163, 1986.
The University of Melbourne Colorectal Group. Clincal trial of prophylaxis of wound sepsis in elective colorectal surgery comparing Ticarcillin with Tinidazole. Aust NZ J Surg 1986;56:209.
Dicker G, McColl D, Sali A. The incidence and nature of Australian Rules Football injuries. Aust Fam Physician 1986;15:455.
Parker E, Sali A. Eating habits of primary school children. Proc 2nd International Conf on Eating Disorders p. 10, 1986.
Dicker G, McColl D, Sali A. The incidence, nature and risk factors of Australian Rules Football injuries. Proc 23rd World Congress of Sports Medicine, 1986.
Vitetta L, Sali A, Little P. Do primary bile duct stones occur in the duct? Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Aust NZ J Surg 209, 1986 Adelaide, Australia 1986
Vitetta L, Sali A, Moritz V, Shaw A. Gallstones and bacteria. 9th World CICD Congress on Gastroenterology. Digs Surg J 106, 1986.
Vitetta L, Sali A, Moritz V, Shaw A. Is the etiology of primary choledocholithiasis unique?
9th World CICD Congress on Gastroenterology. Digs Surg J 126, 1986. Tel Aviv Israel 1986
Sali A. Micronutrients in cancer, pregnancy and sports performance. Proc 9th Aust Symposium on Analytical Chemistry. 1987;97. (Article)
Sali A. Strategies for cancer prevention. Aust Fam Physician 1987;16:1603.
Dicker G, Sali A. Sports performance and nutrition. Patient Management 1987;2:193.
Sali A. Diet in Australia. The good and the bad news. Aust Fam Physician 1987;16:757.
Sali A, Thai HJ. Recent advances in biliary disease. Chinese Clinical Medical Journal 1987;7:56. (In Chinese)
The University of Melbourne Colorectal Group. The systematic Timentin is superior to oral Tinidazole for antibiotic prophylaxis in elective colo-rectal surgery. Diseases Colon and Rectum 1987;30:786.
Parker E, Sali A. Primary school canteens in Victoria. Proc of the Nutrition Society of Australia 1987;12:153.
Vitetta L, Stubbs A, Purser S, Millar K, Sali A. Limy “milky” bile: without apparent gall-bladder obstruction by a gallstone. Aust NZ J Surg 1987; 57:405-186.
Vitetta L, Sali A, Elzarka A. Primary bile duct stone etiology: a role for bacterial glucuronidase. 32nd World CISS Conference in Surgery. World J Surg 43, 1987. Sydney Australia 1987.
Kune GA, Kune S, Watson LF, Pierce RJ, Vitetta L, Sali A. et al. Serum levels of vitamin A, carotene and zinc in male lung cancer cases and controls. 14th Annual Meeting Clinical Oncological Society of Australia. Clin Oncol Soc Aust 98, 1987 Perth Australia 1987.
Sali A, Vitetta L. Dissolution and decalcification of gallstones with chenodeoxycholate and citrate. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Aust NZ J Surg 250, 1988. Brisbane Australia 1988.
Brough WA, Sali A, Hennessy O, McKenzie, Kune GA. Percutaneous extraction of retained common bile duct stones via the T-tube tract. Aust NZ J Surg 1988;58:387.
Sali A, Oates J, Acton C, Elzarka A et al. Gallstones in pregnancy: an ultrasound study. Proc Roy Aust Coll Surg Scientific Meeting p. 368 1988.
Sali A. Strategies for cancer prevention. ACT Cancer News, 42 December 1988.
Bean R, Sali A, Elzarka A. Hyperprolactinaemia in cancer. Proc 15th Annual Scientific Meeting. Clin Oncol Soc Aust p 28, 1988.
Vitetta, L. Sali, A. Chou, St. Fleming, H. Little, P and Elzarka, A. (1988) Gallstones at Autopsy and Cholecystectomy – A Comparative Study. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 58 7: 561-568
Vitetta L, Sali A, Moritz V, Shaw A, Carson P, Little P, Elzarka A. Bacteria and gallstone nucleation. Aust NZ J Surg 1989; 59:571-577.
Gya D, Sali A, Vitetta L, Eu P. Limy bile cholecystitis: a case report and an in vitro study. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Aust NZ J Surg 389, 1989 Melbourne Australia 1989.
Ewing H, Sali A, Kune GA. Klatskin tumours: a twenty year experience. Aust NZ J Surg 1989;59:25.
Sali A. (Editorial). Cancer treatment is dependent on histological classification. Int Clin Nutr Rev 1989;9:113.
McLeish AR plus members of the University of Melbourne Colo-rectal Group Experience with modern prophylactic antibiotics in prospective trials involving over 1,200 colorectal operation. Proc Roy Aust Coll Surg. General Scientific Meeting p. 114, 1989.
Gya D, Sali A, Hennessy O, Kune GA. Dilatation of biliary strictures using a Gruntzig balloon. Proc Roy Aust Coll Surg. General Scientific Meeting p. 339, 1989.
Bean R, Sali A. Tamoxifen for the treatment of colo-rectal hepatic metastases. Proc Roy Aust Coll Surg. General Scientific Meeting p. 122, 1989.
Ewing H, Sali A, Kune GA. Management of Klatskin Tumours. Proc Roy Aust Coll Surg. General Scientific Meeting p. 338, 1989.
Sali A, Bean R, Eu P, Gya D, MacMillan N. Elevated prolactin in gastrointestinal cancers. Proc Roy Aust Coll Surg. General Scientific Meeting p. 190, 1989.
Gya D, Angus D, Sali A. Substanteous emphysema and pneumothorax following endoscopic spincterotomy. Aust NZ J Surg 1989;59:900-902.
University of Melbourne Colorectal Group. A comparison of single-dose systemic Timentin and Mezlocillin for prophylaxis of wound infection in elective colorectal surgery. Dis Col and Rect 1989;32:940-943.
Vitetta L, Sali A. Is infection a cause of cholesterol gallstones. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Aust NZ J Surg 328, 1989 Melbourne Australia 1989.
Sali, A. Oates, JN. Acton, CM. Elzarka, A, Vitetta, L. (1989) Effect on Pregnancy on Gallstone Formation. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 29 4: 386-389.
Vitetta, L., Sali, A., Moritz, V., Shaw, A., Carson, P., Little, P., & Elzarka, A. (1989). Surgical Research. The Australian and New Zealand journal of surgery, 59(7-12), 571
Gya D, Sali A, Vitetta L, Eu P, Arkles B. Limy bile cholecystitis: an in vitro study and a case report. Aust NZ J Surg 1990; 60:998-1000.
Gya D, Sali A, Hennessy O, Kune GA. Balloon dilatation of biliary strictures: ours experience and review ofthe literature. Aust NZ J Surg 1990;60:361-364.
Bean R, Sali A. Treatment of colorectal hepatic metastases with Tamoxifen. J Canc Res and Clin Oncol p.191 (Abs) 1990.
Sali A. Dietary fibre and fats in health and disease. Aust Fam Physician 1990;9:315-331.
Sali A, Bean R, Hensman C, MacMillan N. Hyperprolactinaemia in gastrointestinal and other cancers. J Canc Res and Clin Oncol p. 247, 1990. (Abs)
Sali A, Bean R. Colorectal hepatic metastases treated with Tamoxifen. Proceedings 11th World Congress. Coll Int Chir Dig p. 329, 1990.
Sali A, L Vitetta L. Gallstone decalcification and dissolution using chenodeoxycholate and citrate. – HPB Surgery, 1990 Vol. 3, pp. 59-65-
Vitetta L., Sali A. Primary Bile Duct Stones and Bacterial Activity HPB Surgery
Volume 6 (1992), Issue 1, Pages 23-33
Sali A. Eating right. Proc RACGP Refresher Course pp64, 1991.
Sali A, McQuillan T, Read A, Kune GA. Rifampicin as cytotoxic agent for cholangio-carcinoma. J Canc Res Clin Oncol 1991;117:503.
Sali A. Avulsion of the isolated varicose vein. Aust Fam Physician 1991;20:1009.
Sali A, Hunt P, Pan W, McQuillan T, Conboy D. Wire guided dilation of oesophageal strictures. Proc Roy Aust Coll Surg. General Scientific Meeting p. 108, 1991.
McQuillan TC, Read AG, Sali A. Endoscopic T-Tube extraction of retained bile duct stones. Proc Roy Aust Coll Surg. General Scientific Meeting p. 112, 1991.
Dicker G, Sali A, Field B, Stanndard G, Watson L. Dietary habits and supplementation practices of Australian cross country skiers. Submitted to the the National Sports Research Program of the Australian Sports Commission. 45 pages, 1991.
Vitetta L, Sali A, Little P, Nayman J, and Elzarka A, Primary “Brown Pigment” Bile Duct Stones. HPB Surgery Volume 4 (1991), Issue 3, Pages 209-222
Sali A, McQuillan T, Read A, Kune GA. Rifampicin as cytotoxic agent for cholangio-carcinoma. J Canc Res Clin Oncol 1991;117:503.
Holt M, Sali A, Kucherhan M, Thompson G. Constipation and diet in primary school children. J Nutr Med 1992;3:257.
Holt M, Sali A, Parker E, Thompson G. Dietary habits of primary school children: obesity and influencing factors. J Nutr Med 1992;3:263.
Wong GPT, Sali A, Read A, McQuillan T, Conboy D. Percutaneous endoscopic gastroscopy – Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital Experience.. Proc Roy Aust Coll Surg. General Scientific Meeting p 7, 1992.
Sali A. Vitetta L. Primary bile duct stones and bacterial activity HPB Surgery, 1992, Vol. 6, pp. 23-33
Sali A, Wong P, Read A, McQuillan T, Conboy D. Percutaneous endoscopic gastroscopy: The Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital Experience. Aust NZ J Surg 1993;63:545. 1993
Strugnell NA, Sali A. Choledochoplasty for cholecystocholedochal fistula (Mirizzi syndrome type II): a case report and literature review. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery Volume 65, Issue 4, pages 285–288, April 1995
Vitetta L, A. Sali A, Little P, Mrazek L, Gallstones and Gall Bladder Carcinoma.Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, Sept 2000 Volume 70, Issue 9 Pages A157–A164, 633–696
Vitetta, L., Best, S. and Sali, A. (2000) Single and multiple cholesterol gallstones and the influence of bacteria. Medical hypotheses, 55 6: 502-506
Vitetta L, Kenner D and Sali A (2000) Bacterial infections in terminally ill hospice patients. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 20 5: 326-334.
Tooley GA, Stuart M. Armstrong SM, Norman TR, Sali A , Acute increases in night-time plasma melatonin levels following a period of meditation Biological Psychology, Volume 53, Issue 1, 1 May 2000, Pages 69-78
Vitetta L, Kenner D, Kissane D, and Sali A. “Clinical outcomes in terminally ill patients admitted to hospice care: diagnostic and therapeutic interventions” Clinical Medicine NetPrints (2000): 1
Vitetta, L, Sali, A and Reavley, NJ (2001) Is coenzyme Q(10) helpful for patients with idiopathic cardiomyopathy?. MJA, 175 8: 447-447.
Vitetta, L, Kenner, D, Kissane, D and Sali, A (2001) Clinical outcomes in terminally ill patients admitted to hospice care: Diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Journal of Palliative Care 17 2: 69-77.
Vitetta, L, Sali, A and Reavley, NJ (2001) Does drinking carrot juice affect cancer of the prostate? MJA, 175 1: 52-53.
Glas, R., Reavley, N., Mrazek, L., Vitetta, L. and Sali, A. (2001) Psychosocial interventions and cancer patients: psychological and immune responses may depend on cancer type. Medical Hypotheses, 56 4: 480-482.
Sali A., Potential national health and economic benefits of integrative medicine. Australasian Journal of Integrative Medicine, Vol. 1, no. 1
Piercy, M, Fogarty, GB., Jansz, AW., Gawler, DM., Vitetta, L, Kenner, D and Sali, A (2002) The intention to hasten death of terminally ill patients. Medical Journal Australia, 177 3: 165-167.
Vitetta, L., Barbaro, C. and Sali, A. (2002) Vitamins Health and Scientific Evidence. eBMJ
Vitetta, Luis and Sali, A (2002) Smoking cessation a difficult proposition: not without hope. British Medicine Journal, 324 7329 Letter to the Editor.
Vitetta, L. and Sali, A. (2002) A New Era with Global Implications for Health and Disease Prevention. South African Journal of Natural Medicine, 6:16-17.
Vitetta, L., Paspaliaris, B., Johnson, M., Cortizo, F. and Sali, A. (2002) Body Enhancer: Product by Zenith Corporation Ltd. The Scientific Evidence, Part I. School of Medicine – Unit of Health Integration, The University of Queensland.
Vitetta, L., Sali, A., Jones, T. and Little, P. (2002). Brown pigment gallstone formation: bacteria and precipitates of mucous, pigment and cholesterol. In: 18th World Congress and 9th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong, (). Dec. 13-15, 2002.
Vitetta, L., Sali, A., Paspaliaris, B. and Reavley, N. (2002) Megadose vitamin C in treatment of the common cold: a randomised controlled trial [Letter to Editor]. Medical Journal of Australia, 176 5: 298-299.
Vitetta, L., Johnson, M., Reavley, N. and Sali, A. (2002) Psychosocial Support of Cancer Patients Canberra ACT, Australia: Federal Department of Veterans Health
Vitetta L, M Johnson M, F Cortizo F, A Sali. Contact Thermography–a scientific evaluation 2002 –
Piercy M, B Fogarty GB, W Jansz AW, Gawler DM, Vitetta L, Kenner D and Sali A. The intention to hasten death of terminally ill patients: Letters to the Editor, Med J Aust 2002; 177 (3): 165-167.
Vitetta, L., Paspaliaris, B., Johnson, M. and Sali, A. (2002) The integrated inpatient management program for people with cancer: The scientific evidence and methodology to be employed. Australia: Graduate School of Integrative Medicine, Swinburne University
Sali, A. and Vitetta, L. (2003) In the Surgery: Keeping Up with the Evidence. Journal of Complementary Medicine, 2 6: 36-37.
Vitetta, L, Thomsen, M and Sali, A (2003) Black cohosh and other herbal remedies associated with acute hepatitis. MJA, 178 8: 411-412.
Vitetta, L, Cortizo, F. and Sali, A. (2003) Body enhancer: Product by Zenith Corporation Ltd. The scientific and clinical evidence, Part II. , Graduate School of Integrative Medicine, Swinburne University.
Vitetta, L., Cortizo, F., Minas, J., Walker, R., Rollo, D. and Sali, A. (2003). Primary care cardiovascular prevention: A system using absolute risk, pulse wave velocity, heart rate variability, blood pressure and an electrocardiogram. Hypertension. 25th Scientific Meeting of the Inter-American Society of Hypertension, San Antonio, USA, (). 27-30 April 2003.
Sali A. Communicating with Dying People and their Relatives. ANZ Journal of Surgery Volume 73, Issue 6, page 392, June 2003
Sali A. Your Guide to E-Health: Third Millennium Medicine on the Internet. By Professor Peter Yellowlees. ANZ Journal of Surgery Volume 72, Issue 6, pages 456–457, June 200
Vitetta, L. and Sali, A. (2004) Debates and Issues – Mind-body medicine: The GP Educators. Journal of Complementary Medicine, 3 6: 57-58.
Reavley, N, Vitetta, L, Cortizo, F and Sali, A (2004). A preliminary report of the effect of psychosocial support on the psychological and physical well-being of a heterogeneous group of cancer patients. Psycho-Oncology (S109-S109).
Thomsen, M, Vitetta, L, Sali, A and Schmidt, M (2004) Acute liver failure associated with the use of herbal preparations containing black cohosh (multiple letters). The Medical Journal of Australia, 180 11: 598-600.
Thomsen, M., Vitetta, L., Schmidt, M. and Sali, A. (2004) Fatal fulminant hepatic failure induced by a natural therapy containing kava (Letter to the Editor). Medical Journal of Australia, 180 4: 198-199.
Vitetta, L., Cortizo, F. and Sali, A. (2004) Body enhancer: Product by Zenith Corporation Ltd. assessment of clinical trial data, Part III. , Graduate School of Integrative Medicine, Swinburne University.
Vitetta, L. and Sali, A. (2004) Dementia. The Journal of Complementary Medicine : CM, 3 1: 14-19
Thomsen, M., Flannery, G., Vitetta, L., Schmidt, M. and Sali, A. (2004). Herbal Preparation Ginseng & Dang Gui Ten Combination. (PS10) and Immune Response in Humans. In: , International Congress on Natural Products Research (ICNPR). International Congress on Natural Products Research (ICNPR), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, (). July 31-August 4, 2004.
Sali, A and Vitetta, L (2004) Nutritional Supplements and Cardiovascular Disease. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 13 4: 363-366.
Di Vincenzo R, Vitetta, L., Ng, F. and Sali, A. (2004). Nutritional and lifestyle factors influencing the progression and development of NIDDM in lean adult Vietnamese. In: L. Tomas, Journal of the Australian Integrative Medicine Association; Proceedings Complementary and Alternative Medicines: Towards Integrated Healthcare. Complementary and Alternative Medicines: Towards Integrated Healthcare, Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Qld, (25-30). 14-15 October, 2004.
Osborne RH, Sali A, Aaronson NK. Immune function and adjustment style: do they predict survival in breast cancer? Psycho-Oncology 2004 Vol 13; Part 3, pages 199-210. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Journals ISSN 1057-9249
Anton, B, Vitetta, L, Cortizo, F and Sali, A (2006). Can we delay aging? The biology and science of aging. Reversal of Aging: Resetting the Pineal Clock. 4th Stromboli Conference on Aging and Cancer, Sicily Italy, (525-535). JUN 06-11, 2005.
Vitetta, L, Anton, B, Cortizo, F and Sali, A (2006). Stress and its impact on overall health and longevity. Reversal of Aging: Resetting the Pineal Clock 4th Stromboli Conference on Aging and Cancer, Sicily Italy, (492-505). JUN 06-11, 2005.
Pipingas, A, Silberstein, RB, Vitetta, L, Van Rooy, C., Nastasi, JV. and Sali, A. (2006). The effects of an extract of Pinus radiata pine bark (Enzogenol®) on cognitive function in individuals at risk of cognitive decline. Journal of Clinical EEG & Neuroscience. The 15th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Psychophysiology, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, (). 9-11 December 2005.
Vitetta, L., Kenner, D. and Sali, A. (2005) Sedation and analgesia-prescribing patterns in terminally ill patients at the end of life. The American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care, 22 6: 465-473.
Thomsen, M., Schmidt, M., Vitetta, L. and Sali, A.(2005) Do herbs increase the risk of herbdrug interactions for patients with arthritis?. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 64 10: 1527-1528.
Vitetta, L., Anton, B., Cortizo, F. and Sali, A. (2005). Mind-Body Medicine: Stress and Its Impact on Overall Health and Longevity Reversal of Aging Resetting the Pineal Clock. Walter Pierpaoli, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; Proceedings Fourth Stromboli Conference on Aging and Cancer. Fourth Stromboli Conference on Aging and Cancer, Sicily, Italy, (492-505). 6-11 June, 2005.
Vitetta, L., Cortizo, F. and Sali, A. (2005) Probiotics and Prebiotics in Health: an emerging new modality in biotherapeutics. Australian Integrative Medicine Association Journal, 25 : 18-22.
Vitetta, L., Sali, H., Burke, J., Mrazek, L., Cortizo, F. and Sali, A. (2005) The live blood analysis technique. Australian Integrative Medicine Association Journal, 24 : 16-20
Vitetta, L. and Sali, A. (2006) Omega-3 Fatty Acids. The Journal of Complementary Medicine, 5 6: 52-59
Vitetta, L. and Sali, A. (2006) Complementary medicine in palliative care. Australian Family Physician., 35 10: 783-783
Vitetta, L. and Sali, A. (2006) Treatments for damaged skin. Australian Family Physician, 35 7: 501-502.
Vitetta, L, Sali, A (2006) Colorectal cancer and CHF: reviewing the evidence for complementary medicine. Australian Family Physician, 35 (Complementary Medicine Series: What is the evidence) 5: Imaging: 339-339.
Sali A, Vitetta L. Management of coronary artery disease. Australian Doctor, 15: 39-43.
Sali A, Vitetta L, Integrative medicine in gynaecological cancers. Aust Family Phys, 36 3: 135-136.
Sali A, Vitetta L, Integrative medicine – in the mix. Australian Doctor, 20 April : 39-40.
Sali A, Vitetta L, Integrative medicine and arrhythmias. Australian Family Physician, 36 7: 527-528
Vitetta L, Sali A, Life Stressors: Nutritional choices and obesity. JAIMA : The Journal of the Australasian Integrative Medicine Association, 12 3: 8-13.
Sali A, Vitetta L, Management of prostate cancer. Australian Doctor, 21 Sept 35-36.
Vitetta L, Sali A, Omega-3s for Cognition and Behaviour. The Jour of Complementary Med 6 1: 48-52.
Vitetta L, Sali A, Palliative Care. The Journal of Complementary Med, 6 4: 16
Sali A, Vitetta L, Peppermint and the gut. Medicine Today, 8 5: 67-69.
Sali A, Vitetta L, Tackling osteoarthritis. Australian Doctor, 23 November : 41-45
Pirotta M, Hassed C, Kotsirilos V; Morton R; Sali A, Teaching CAM in Our Medical Schools – Is It Time to Bite the Bullet? Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-disciplinary Journal, Vol. 9, No. 3, Dec 2007: 6-22
Hassed C, Kotsirilos V, Pirotta M, Avni S, The “therapeutic footprint” of medical, complementary and alternative therapies and a doctor’s duty of care, Med J Aust 2007; 186 (4): 214-215.
Pipingas A, Silberstein RB, Sali A, Vitetta L, Homocysteine modifies event related steady state potential coherence in a recognition memory task. Int Journ Psychophysiology, 14th World Congress of Psychophysiology the Olympics of the Brain, St Petersburg RUSSIA, (239-240). SEP 08-13, 2008.
Sali, A. and Vitetta, L, Integrative medicine: Infertile ground. Australian Doctor, 29 : 38-38
Vitetta, L., Cicuttini, F. and Sali, A, Alternative therapies for musculoskeletal conditions. Best Practice & Research: Clinical Rheumatology, 22 3: 499-522.
Vitetta, L., Poon, H.Y. and Sali, A, HIV/AIDS and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM): a clinical trial with a traditional chinese medicine (TCM)/yeast preparation. Abstract Book. Third International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research 2008, Sydney, Australia, (S90-S90). 29-31 March 2008
Pipingas A., Silberstein RB, Vitetta, L., Van Rooy C., Harris E, Young J, Frampton C. Sali A, Nastasi J. Improved cognitive performance after dietary supplementation with a Pinus radiata bark extract formulation. Phytotherapy Research, 22 9: 1168-1174.
Harris E., Kirk J., Vitetta L., Sali A, Pipingas, A, Improvement of depressive symptoms in the elderly following multivitamin supplementation. Abstract Book. Third International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research Sydney, Australia, (S35-S35). 29-31 March 2008.
Vitetta L, Sali A. Mind and Body Balance: The Key to Health and Longevity. In BN DeLuca (Ed.), Mind-Body and Relaxation Research Focus (pp. 15-44) USA: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Vitetta L., Sali A, Positive thinking, diet, meditation and psychosocial support and its effects on the psychological and physical wellbeing of cancer patients. In: Third International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research 2008, Sydney, Australia, (S90-S90). 29-31 March 2008.
Vitetta L, Sali A, Probiotics, prebiotics and gastrointestinal health. Medicine Today, 9 9: 65-70.
Cicuttini F, Sali A, Alternative therapies for musculoskeletal conditions. Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology, June Volume 22, Issue 3, Pages 499–522 Elsevier
Vitetta L, Harris E, Kirk J, Pipingas A and Sali A, (2009). Cognitive decline in at risk adults and the effect of a multivitamin/mineral supplement. Australian Heart Foundation Annual Conference, Brisbane, 14-16 May 2009.
Reavley N, Pallant JF, Sali A, Evaluation of the Effects of a Psychosocial Intervention on Mood, Coping, and Quality Of Life in Cancer Patients, Integr Cancer Ther March,Vol. 8 no. 1 47-55
Vitetta L, Sali A, Coulson S, Gray B, Integrative management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journ Australasian Integrative Medicine Association, 15 2: 6-13.
Vitetta L, Sali A and Coulson S, Soy and health: The latest evidence. Medicine Today : The Peer Reviewed Journal of Clinical Practice, 12 3: 67-74.
Harris E, Joni Kirk E ,Rowsell R, Vitetta L, Sali A, Andrew B, Scholey A, Pipingas A
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical & Experimental, Vol 26, Issue 8, pages 560–567, December 2011
Vitetta L, Thomsen M, Sali A, Black cohosh and other herbal remedies associated with acute hepatitis [Letter to the Editor], Medical Journal Australia, 178 8: 411-412.
Sali A, Lifestyle Medicine Managing Diseases of Lifestyle in the 21st Century – Second Edition [Book Review] Jour Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine
Volume 30 Issue 1,Apr 2011)
Macpherson H, Ellis K, Sali A, Pipingas A, Memory improvements in elderly women following 16 weeks treatment with a combined multivitamin, mineral and herbal supplement. Psychopharmacology March 2012, Volume 220, Issue 2, pp 351-365
Ried K, Sali A, Wang M, Meade B, Murphy D. Photodynamic therapy with new sublingual sensitizer Photosoft®E4 for cancer: a case series. F1000 Research 2013, 2:161.
Armstrong S, Ried K, Sali A, McLaughlin P. A new orthosis reduces pain and mechanical forces in prone position in women with augmented or natural breast tissue: A pilot study. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2013, 66, e179-e188.
Ried K, Armstrong S, Sali A, McLaughlin P. Orthosis improves clinical management of women with augmented or natural breast tissue by reducing pain and mechanical forces. Chiropract Manual Therapy 2014, 22:2
Marx W, Ried K, McCarthy A, Vitetta L, McKavangh D, Sali A, Isenring E. Ginger – mechanism of action in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: a review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2014, in press.
Marx W, McCarthy A, Ried K, Vitetta L, McKavangh D, Thomson D, Sali A, Isenring E. Can ginger ameliorate chemotherapy-induced nausea? A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial. BMC Compl Altern Med 2014, 14:134.
Travica N, Ried K, Bujnowski R, Sali A. Integrative health check reveals suboptimal levels in a number of vital biomarkers. Adv Integr Med (AIMED) 2015, 2, 135-140.
Massee L, Ried K, Pase M, Travica N, Yoganathan J, Scholey A, Macpherson H, Kennedy G, Sali A, Pipingas A. The acute and sub-chronic effects of cocoa flavanols on cognitive and cardiovascular health in young healthy adults: A randomized controlled trial. Frontiers Pharmacol 2015, 6:93
Ried K, Travica N, Sali A. The acute effect of high dose intravenous vitamin C and other nutrients on blood pressure: a cohort study. Blood Press Monitoring 2016, 21:160-167
Ried K, Travica N, Sali A. The effect of aged garlic extract on blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors in uncontrolled hypertensives: the randomised placebo-controlled AGE at Heart trial. Integr Blood Press Contr 2016, 9: 1-13
Marx WM, Isenring E, Schweiker S, McCarthy AL, Ried K, Sali A, Vitetta L, Lohning A. The concentration of major active constituents within commercial ginger products. J Australasian College Nutritional Environmental Medicine 2016 35(1):23
Travica N, Ried K, Sali A, Scholey A, Hudson I, Pipingas A. Vitamin C status and cognitive function: A systematic review. Nutrients 2017, 9,960
Ried K, Eng P, Sali A. Screening for Circulating Tumour Cells allows early detection of cancer and monitoring of treatment effectiveness: an observational study. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2017, 18 (8), 2275-2285
Marx W, McCarthy AL, Ried K, McKavanagh D, Luis Vitetta L, Sali A, Lohning A, Isenring E.
The Effect of a Standardized Ginger Extract on Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea-Related Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Moderately or Highly Emetogenic Chemotherapy: A Double Blind, Randomized, Placebo Controlled Trial. Nutrients 2017, 9(8), 867