
Probiotics for Hay Fever Trial

Update 11.11.2020: Recruitment for this trial is now closed

NIIM is undertaking a clinical research trial investigating the effect of probiotic supplements on hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis).

Participants must be:

  • aged 18-65 years old;
  • have a history of hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis during the spring/summer peak season in Australia (Nov/ Dec);
  • are able to visit the NIIM clinic in Melbourne, VIC.

A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled parallel trial of 12 weeks duration investigating the efficacy of a probiotic formulation on reducing symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis.

Participation will involve:

  • Taking a probiotic supplement for 12 weeks starting in the month prior to peak season (Oct) and during peak season (Nov/ Dec);
  • daily recording of symptoms and medication use in a supplied questionnaire diary;
  • blood and stool tests at the start and end of the trial.

For more Information:

Update 11.11.2020: Recruitment for this trial is now closed

or email directly to: research@niim.com.au / Subject heading: Hayfever Trial